Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Did you Know?

That the Atlanta Brave have lost 26 consecutive 1 run games on the road.
I think that speaks volumes of the management or lack their of. Bobby Cox you once where a good manager back when the Braves had Terry Pendleton and Ron Gant, ect... and I appreciate the many successful years you gave us Braves fans but my friend I think its time for you to move on.

1 comment:

cperkins said...

absolutly dollar... bobby cox did have the braves doing good what 38 years ago!!! haha i think a change in management would be a good move... hey i got one lets get rid og boobby cox instead of some of the best players on the team! maybe then they could afford to keep some more talent around besides chipper jones who will probably be the paterno of the braves